Saturday, January 07, 2006

Election 2006 & Quiz

Okay, I'm a bit of a politcal junky - ONLY when there is an election coming up. I listen at other times but am not always that concerned. I love going to vote and then watching the election coverage on TV.

A friend on the MB Forum found this quiz - CBC's Vote By Issue Quiz - and I thought I'd share it with you.

My results: Layton, Harper, Duceppe, Martin

It didn't really surprise me much. Although I have issues over voting NDP (I still remember the Ontario Bob Rae days), even though I know the parties are different - I think it's just mental. I tend to lean with the Conservatives, knowing they are generally not big spenders. There isn't anyone from the BQ to vote for here so they are out of the question. And I do think I'm ready for some change, so most likely will not vote Liberal. Ah, I don't know who I'm going to vote for. I'll have to watch the 2nd debate and see if that helps.

Feel free to share your results and what you thought of the Quiz; I won't judge you on who you want to vote for as long as you don't judge me and of course as long as you vote. :-)

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