Tuesday, May 23, 2006

Interesting Thought

Pernell Goodyear wrote this on his blog:

"Christianity began in Palestine as a relationship, moved to Greece and became an idea, went to Rome and became an institution, then came to North America and became an enterprise."

I like it. I think it helps explain Christianity's transition. Which one is the best expression of Christianity? I'm inclined to go back to the beginning and work at relationships. Maybe it's circular and will start back at relationships then move to idea again, etc. Any thoughts?

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Anonymous said...

I'm not so sure that Christianity in Palestine could be characterized best as a relationship. I would call it a 'discipleship' or 'following after Christ'. This involves relationship but also so much more... it involves allegiance, economics, sexuality... all spheres of life, not just relationship.

I could be misreading the quote, maybe 'relationship' includes all those things.

McDLT said...

I do agree that following after Christ involves all aspects of your life. But I do tend to think that is relationship. That's what relationship is to me. I think it would be hard to have a complete relationship without involving your whole self.

I guess there are other types of relationship (like business) you could have, but then that's not really Christianity - loving your neighbour stuff.