Monday, August 28, 2006

Monday's Top Fives Top All-Time Goals for August 28, 2006

1.lose weight - moved from 4th to first.
I'm working towards this - actually I'm always thinking about it, not accomplishing much though.

2. stop procrastinating - new to the top five
Not on my list at present, but maybe I'm just procastinating.

3. write a book - dropped to 3rd from second
have thought about it, but I know I'm not gifted there. I'd make a good editor, just not a writer.

4. Fall in love - dropped from thrird to 4th
- still falling after 17 years (married for almost 14).

5. be happy fell from second to 5th
- I think happiness is fleeting and can change in a moment so I'm just I'm trying to learn to be content instead.

I think it's interesting to see what people want to do in their lives. To see what my goals are just look at the sidebar or click here.

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