Tuesday, June 06, 2006

Reality TV

It's time for most of the reality tv shows to start.

IDOL - Just finished watching American Idol and now Canadian Idol is underway. I like the Canadian show better - 4 judges, varied talent, better critic - uniquely Canadian. I've watched every Canadian Idol season, but with American Idol it's been every other season.

So You Think You Can Dance - It's a great filler on boring nights and the judges are always fun to watch and listen too.

Big Brother - Season 7 will be starting soon. I can't say that I've watched every season fully through, some I didn't even bother to watch at all. I think this season will be interesting; it's All-Star time. CBS is having the audience vote on which former players they want to compete in the house.

Rock Star: Supernova - Well it was such a hit last year with INXS, so now a brand new band is looking for a singer. Tommy Lee (Mötley Crüe), Jason Newsted (Metallica) and Gilby Clarke (Guns N' Roses), plus the singer we pick will make up the band. Then they will be releasing an original album. I liked it last year, so I'll probably be watching it again. Tommy Lee should make it fun to watch.

What reality tv do you like to watch?

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Anonymous said...

My friends and my wife and I like to watch Survivor and The Amazing Race. I'm a big fan of Rupert of Survivor three seasons ago.

McDLT said...

After season one of Survivor - I just couldn't get into it. I'm not sure why - maybe eating gross bugs and stuff ;). I've never really even watched Amazing Race. With 2 young ones, it's hard to pick and choose which shows to watch and when I get to sleep. LOL Maybe when they are teens we'll all be watching the same kind shows.