Monday, June 19, 2006

Super Heroes

I just took a super hero quiz and here's the results:

You scored as Neo, the "One". Neo is the computer hacker-turned-Messiah of the Matrix. He leads a small group of human rebels against the technology that controls them. Neo doubts his ability to lead but doesn't want to disappoint his friends. His goal is for a world where all men know the Truth and are free from the bonds of the Matrix.

Neo, the "One" - 67%

Captain Jack Sparrow - 58%
Batman, the Dark Knight - 54%
James Bond, Agent 007 - 50%
The Terminator - 46%
Maximus - 46%
The Amazing Spider-Man - 33%
William Wallace - 29%
El Zorro - 25%
Lara Croft - 21%
Indiana Jones - 17%
Which Action Hero Would You Be? v. 2.0 created with

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Friday, June 09, 2006

My First Blogaversary

I was reading a couple of my favourite blogs today (lIfE iN EfFecT and (e)mergent Voyageurs) and they are celebrating their 1 year blogaversaries this week. So I thought of checking when my blogaversary was and to my surprize - it's TODAY!!!

Thursday, June 09, 2005
My First Post
Just testing this out to see how it all looks and how it works.

Mind you, I didn't really do anything with it until 4 months later. Partly because I just wasn't sure what I wanted to put on it, but mostly because I wasn't sure how much information I wanted to share (or should share) with the world (literally the whole world). And then that got me thinking - how much would the world want to know about me.

So once I got up the courage - I haven't looked back. Although it would be nice to have more feedback in the form of comments - I'm quite happy with how things are going.

Thanks everyone for sharing in my growing over the past year.

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Tuesday, June 06, 2006

Reality TV

It's time for most of the reality tv shows to start.

IDOL - Just finished watching American Idol and now Canadian Idol is underway. I like the Canadian show better - 4 judges, varied talent, better critic - uniquely Canadian. I've watched every Canadian Idol season, but with American Idol it's been every other season.

So You Think You Can Dance - It's a great filler on boring nights and the judges are always fun to watch and listen too.

Big Brother - Season 7 will be starting soon. I can't say that I've watched every season fully through, some I didn't even bother to watch at all. I think this season will be interesting; it's All-Star time. CBS is having the audience vote on which former players they want to compete in the house.

Rock Star: Supernova - Well it was such a hit last year with INXS, so now a brand new band is looking for a singer. Tommy Lee (Mötley Crüe), Jason Newsted (Metallica) and Gilby Clarke (Guns N' Roses), plus the singer we pick will make up the band. Then they will be releasing an original album. I liked it last year, so I'll probably be watching it again. Tommy Lee should make it fun to watch.

What reality tv do you like to watch?

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