I was reading a couple of my favourite blogs today (lIfE iN EfFecT and (e)mergent Voyageurs) and they are celebrating their 1 year blogaversaries this week. So I thought of checking when my blogaversary was and to my surprize - it's TODAY!!!
Thursday, June 09, 2005
My First Post
Just testing this out to see how it all looks and how it works.
Mind you, I didn't really do anything with it until 4 months later. Partly because I just wasn't sure what I wanted to put on it, but mostly because I wasn't sure how much information I wanted to share (or should share) with the world (literally the whole world). And then that got me thinking - how much would the world want to know about me.
So once I got up the courage - I haven't looked back. Although it would be nice to have more feedback in the form of comments - I'm quite happy with how things are going.
Thanks everyone for sharing in my growing over the past year.
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