Thursday, February 23, 2006

Walmart & the Amish - News - Ohio Wal-Mart Caters To Amish

I found this interesting and a little odd in the fact that they consider this a strange story. I figure Wal-Mart is just catering to their customers. They know their market. I wonder if other Wal-Mart's have speciality clientelle.

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Wednesday, February 22, 2006



This is just fascinating. I've almost finished reading the History portion. Thanks Rob!

While you're there check out his blog too -

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Wednesday, February 15, 2006

Angry at God

At small group last night, something triggered me to think about a time I had been angry at God. And to be quite honest, I couldn't think of one.

I thought about how I felt when my dad died 3 months before my wedding, which I thought might be a time I would feel angry but I didn't. I felt sad and I asked why but I didn't get angry.

I tried to think of some other times, like maybe before I considered myself "Christian". I thought about my motorcycle accident when I was 17 and was accepted into college but couldn't go because of being in the hospital. I was angry at God then either. Surprisingly, I wasn't even angry at the person who hit us. I forgave him right away.

So I guess I have never been angry at God. I've doubted my faith and the reality of it but never got angry. It seemed that everyone at the group had been angry at God at one time or another (although only a couple of people spoke up about it).

I wonder if it's normal to get angry at God. I wonder if I'm normal for not. Or maybe I have gotten angry at God and just don't remember.

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Wednesday, February 08, 2006

Valentine's Day

It's almost here - ughh. Now don't get me wrong, I like Valentine's Day. What I don't like is all the pressure but on guys to buy stuff for their women. And the disappointment if a woman doesn't receive any recognition on Valentine's Day. And then, of course, there are the multitude of people, especially women, who don't have a significant other to spend this romantic holiday with.

Personally I have learned to not expect much if anything on this day. I think I've gotten flowers, once on Valentine's Day, but I'm okay with that. I know I'm loved 365 days a year and most days he shows it.

Our girls are still young and so I try to focus on the main theme of the day - LOVE. We try to do something special for each other on this day. Usually we make/give cards for/to Daddy and each other and then we cook a special dinner and eat by candlelight. And we talk about how much we love each other.

I wish the focus was more on LOVE and less on "if you truly love me, you'll give me flowers, candy, and diamonds". Although if they were offered, I wouldn't turn them down. ;-)

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Monday, February 06, 2006

Bono's Speech at US National Prayer Breakfast


WOW - I must say I was impressed! I, not being much of a U2 fan, am finding Bono such an interesting person. I'm enjoying discovering more about him and the fact that we actually see some things on the same level.

I wonder if this is truly do-able. I wonder if the US will give 1%. I wonder what I could be doing to help.

Read it and wonder for yourself.

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Fraggle Rock

It's been ages since I've thought of Fraggle Rock (children's TV series with Jim Henson puppets). Well this past week, it's been brought to my attention 3 or 4 times. And then when I saw this quiz on The Colloguy: Weblog of The Freeway Cohort, I just had to take it. Hope you enjoy!

So, which Fraggle ARE YOU most like? Click here to find out.

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Friday, February 03, 2006

Christmas is over & Wierd Winter Weather

Well yesterday was the last day of the Christmas season. It was also Groundhog's Day and I forgot to watch my Jack Frost cartoon. I think hubby packed it away with the Christmas movies. :-(

I was a little surprised at how there wasn't that much Groundhog day talk on the news or at school. There is usually such a hub-bub. I guess with our weather being so mild that 6 more weeks of the winter we're having wouldn't be much of a big deal.

I really hope we get some winter. I don't think it's really good for the ecosystem to be messed up so much and so quickly. I've seen the trees starting to bud and spring flowers starting to come up. I wonder if there's anyway we can help.

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Wednesday, February 01, 2006

Clean & Tidy House

It's funny how a clean and tidy house can give you a new outlook. It took me about 2 hours to pick up the toys, paper and general messiness yesterday. I was really proud of myself. Now I'm sure most people don't have a problem with this, but I absolutely despise housework - to the point of leaving it until it is totally out of control and then feeling so overwhelmed and guilty that I can't do it.

Even now as I say my house it clean and tidy I must admit to only having the main floor and entrance way done and even then I have some things shoved away in some corners. Upstairs still needs work as well as the family/playroom.

I also have a huge issue with clutter. For the past few years I've been putting stuff in boxes and marking them for yard sale. We've had a total of 3 yard sales and it looks like each time we get rid of stuff I find more stuff to get rid of to the point that the garage cannot hold a vehicle and we still have so much clutter inside too.

It seems like it will never be done. I'm just thankful we have a dishwasher now. :-)

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