Friday, December 23, 2005

CHRISTmas is upon us!!!

WOW - it's Christmas!!!

Okay 2 more days to go, but we are on our way to visit and stay with relatives for a few days, so it's CHRISTMAS for me!!!

I've noticed that there are many people who are not feeling in the "Christmas spirit" to them I say don't worry. Expect nothing (or very little) and then when something great and Christmassy does happen they will feel it.

I've learned ages ago not to put too much pressure on myself and others about having the perfect Christmas - "you know with mistletoe and ho ho ho" (to quote Lucy). If something doesn't work then I remember it for next time. I've also found that joining a Christmas community or having someone to talk to about Christmas really helps. Those people totally understand about not feeling it and feeling it.

Boy, I'm wondering if this is even making any sense. LOL

Remember the real reason for the season (so cliche yet true). Have a MERRY CHRISTMAS!!!

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Tuesday, December 20, 2005

Christmas Countdown

Only 4 more days!!!

I've still got so much to do.

  • Shopping - almost everyone is taken care of, except for my girls and hubby.
  • Wrapping presents - I'm leaving a few for the girls to wrap.
  • Laundry
  • Cleaning the whole house.
  • Packing - going to in-laws for Christmas.
Or it just seems like there's so much to do.

The kids are out of school for 2 weeks starting Friday!!! I'm really hoping that I'll get at least one day to sleep in over the 2 weeks. I wonder if that will ever happen. ;-)

How's your Christmas preparations coming?

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Friday, December 16, 2005

Is There Middle Ground?

Postmodern vs Modern? Does this have to be the case? Is there a middle ground somewhere? Are religious institutions and/or groups having a more difficult time dealing with this cultural shift than the secular aspects of life?

I honestly think that there can be and is a middle ground. There needs to be people and places that are transitional. I find this more coming from people than from institutions. I think that I might be one of those people. Is that arrogant to say? Probably but I know that I can see both points of view and am having postmodern tendencies within my modern mindset.

I volunteer at an elementary school (with children from the ages of 4 to 7) one day a week and it has truly opened my eyes to the postmodern era. They think differently than I did; they are learning some different things than I did - maybe that's not quite entirely true, they are learning the same things but learning them differently. There is no cookie cutter learning; there is some cookie cutter style, mainly because it's just a large group. But the teachers I'm with are using many different methods in teaching the same thing.

Anyway I grew up in a modern society (with twinges of postmodernity). There were black and whites, rights and wrongs, etc. I guess what I'm trying to express is that our way of thinking and looking at the world is changing. Children growing up now-a-days don't see all the black and white issues, they see and relate to each issue individually; each issue has it's own set of variables which is different from another situation, even if it is similar.

Hope my ramblings make sense to someone out there - and if they don't feel free to ask questions and I'll do my best to explain them or maybe confuse you even more. ;-)

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Wednesday, December 14, 2005


What is it?

I've been struggling with this one a bit. Who defines truth and how can we recognize it? Is truth subjective?

Just thought I'd throw this out for anyone who wants to talk about it with me.

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Blog Look Updated

I noticed a friend on another blog updated her look to a more wintery/Christmassy theme, so I thought I'd do the same. I found a public domain picture I liked and then tweaked the colours.

What do you think?

UPDATE: I've updated the look again. I'm going to try to update it for the seasons and special holidays.

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Tuesday, December 13, 2005

Megachurches Close on Christmas

I read this and found it a little funny - ironic funny.

I can see the reasoning behind closing them and the reasoning for having Sunday service. I prefer having a service on Christmas Day - whether it's on a Sunday or not. Although I am never around for the service. In my community there are many people from other countries who can not be home with their real families for Christmas. So having a Christmas service, they get the opportunity to spend some time with their church family and still feel the connectedness on Christmas.

What do you think? I'd love to hear some feedback. Thanks

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Monday, December 12, 2005

Christmas - 13 Days Away

I can hardly wait!! I love Christmas!! It's my most favourite time of year.

I found a couple of elf name generators that have given me a bit of a laugh.

The first one is found here. You have to scroll down to the bottom of the page. I'm "Lucky Brandy butter-Gnome".

And the next one is:

Christmas Elf Name

My Christmas Elf Name is
Get your Christmas Elf Name at

Gotta love 'em!

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