Monday, October 31, 2005
Discussing Faith
Ever have one of those days - when you have a lot to do but really don't want to do anything?
I have laundry that needs washing, minutes that need typing, a PCC year-end card that needs re-working, and lunch to make. But what am I doing spending it online because I don't want to much of anything. I woke up this morning, with a bit of a sore throat and an overall yucky feeling.
Anyway, I wanted to get some of my thoughts down about the conversation hubby and I had the other day before I forget all about it.
I wanted to pick his brain a bit about what he thought of how Christianity is changing or not changing and if any of these things were bad or good. I don't think we narrowed down anything that was negative about change or no change in the church. We both see the need to reach out to others where they are at. Here's a brief summary of what I thought we talked about - although we have talked more since so it may be a combination of those talks too.
Right now I think (can't speak for hubby, he can do that) there are many (but not most) people (Christian and non-Christian) who are finding the "modern" way of doing church lacking. Most people are still content at the way things are and that is great. But I want to know how to reach the ones who find it lacking because quite frankly sometimes I find things in the church rather boring or old or not really where I'm at (hard to explain the feeling actually).
I want to see Jesus as more relevant in my life. I want to be a closer and understand better. I want to have some more experience. Does this make senes? Let's just say I'm one of the "confused" on the T-shirt (see post above).
Well will have to post more later.
Technorati Tags:
Christianity, faith
Posted by
12:11 p.m.
Monday, October 24, 2005
Great Weekend
I had a great weekend. Grandparents babysat the kids and hubby and I went out. We had thought about going to a movie but didn't like any of the choices. So we went to dinner, then window shopping in the mall, and then to Starbucks for "fancy" coffee. We were able to sit and chat - something that is hard to do with 2 young kids always around.
We talked about all sorts of things. We talked about our love of our children. How much potential we see in them, how much the same they are yet so different. We were able to have a great discussion about faith and how our lives reflect our beliefs.
I'll post more about the last discussion later when I have more time. I just thought I should try to keep up posting.
Technorati Tags:
family, Starbucks
Posted by
10:40 a.m.
Thursday, October 20, 2005
Been A While
Well, it's been a while since I started this blog. I just want to make sure that I don't forget.
A lot has happened since June. My mom's cancer returned and she is terminal. She's almost done her chemo treatments. (She decided to be part of a study group which is experimenting with a new combination of medicines.)
Both my girls are in school now. The youngest in JK Tuesdays & Thursdays and some Fridays. I've been given some time on my own and have totally filled it. I'm going to be volunteering one day at the school.
I've had the opportunity to read the rest of Brian McLaren's New Kind of Christian trilogy. I read the first book last year and went to a seminar with Brian as the main speaker. I've just finished the second and third book this week. I couldn't put them down. They've started me on a spiritual journey that I'm sure will change my life and how I view my faith.
Anyway, I better get going and make supper. Maybe I'll be able to write more later.
Technorati Tags:
cancer, Brian McLaren, christian, books